Monday 16 September 2013

Remembering Ray Dolby


          The audio visual world has lost one of it's patrons in the passing of Ray Milton Dolby OBE on the 12th of September 2013. Dolby was the founder of Dolby Laboratories, an American company specializing in audio noise reduction and audio encoding/compression. 

          What better way to remember a man than by the way he thought and lived his life. Here are some quotes by Ray Dolby.

- "I think I was both lucky and I was also straightforward with people, and I think they liked that attitude"

- "You can't imagine the amount of snickering that went on in that late 1952 period when we were trying to build our first video tape recorder. Let's say we'd go into the lunch room or the coffee room to get a cup of coffee, and the other engineers would say 'he's still working on that stuff? It's never gonna work.' "

- "Inventing is a skill that some people have and some people don't. But you can learn how to invent."

- "There is no major next step. It's a matter of constantly being aware of one's environment, of keeping track of what's happening in the various industries that we're operating in and just sort of sensing what's possible and what's not possible, what's needed, what's not needed - just having all your antennae going, sensitized to all the signals that are out there."

- "I wanted the experience of travelling to many parts of the world. Inventions were part of my life, but they didn't overtake everything that I was doing."

          Great man, great contributions. We can all take away something from the way this man conducted himself and the way he lived his life.

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