Truth be told when we started Black Octagon Solutions a year ago, we had a few things in mind. Remember how I said we had 30 years between us? Well, in those years we saw what the market was like and where it was headed. With the influx of Chinese made products into Malaysia, we saw a decline in quality goods. Also the line between imitation and genuine goods was blurred. In the AV rental market for example, big companies couldn't cope with the sudden appearance of new rental companies offering rock bottom prices with China made gear. The clients didn't know the difference between a "Made In France" Nexo PS15 loudspeaker and a "Made In Balakong" Nexo PS15. Which leads us to another point...
With the advent of Google, Wikipedia, YouTube and the growing popularity of social media, one would be inclined to think that people grew more knowledgeable and wouldn't fall for false marketing/advertising but this couldn't be further from the truth. We know for a fact that just about anyone with internet access can write about anything, post it on the web, claim it to be true and there will be those out there who will take it as the honest truth.
We see it in forums, websites and even videos where unsubstantiated facts are simply put out there for anyone seeking information to gobble it up. And these people who put these "facts" out there can be called false prophets if it were not for the sad truth that even they believed some of the stuff they "preach". I guess in some ways, this would apply to any industry out there so before I get sidetracked, let's get back to the reasons we're here.
At Black Octagon Solutions, our objectives are pretty simple:
- We want to educate to the best of our knowledge and to provide facts which are backed up with results. We won't claim to know everything because just like everyone else, we are continuously learning and improving ourselves as well. So if we make a mistake and you spot it, let us know.
- We want to provide products which are made to last, to perform to expectations and surpass those expectations.
- We're all for making a profit but a profit within reason. Part of those profits will go into development of new products so that the trial and error process for our customers is reduced.
- We love what we do hence we want to share it with everyone. We believe good sound is affordable and is within reach of the average Joe and you do NOT(!) have to settle for mediocrity.
Call this our objectives, our mission statement, whatever...fact is this, we want to make a difference. We may not always succeed and we may not make a big impact in the giant world of sound but we're sure as hell gonna try to at least create a dent. Thanks for reading.

Yup...that picture up there was a cheap plug again. Seeing a pattern forming here? ;)
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